1 | SuperAdmin's Playlist
You have ownership over your portal and intuitive ways to customize it to every participant and administrator.3:52
Kick off with a quick overview of the AdminPortal, setting the foundation for your 2gnoMe journey.
Learn to set up Team Tags for effective educator segmentation, crucial for dashboard organization and analysis.
Discover how to add educators individually or in bulk, populating your portal for tailored PD experiences.
❤❤❤ Rollout exercises (click to expand)
For INITIAL ROLLOUT, we suggest taking 3-5 minutes to review the first exercise below.
These exercises (templates) are for PD coordinators - a roadmap as you focus the conversation towards self-reflection and parts of the Framework with associated professional learning opportunities.
All-in-One Place for Teachers and Admins
For teachers, everything starts with their portal dashboard; it's the only page to bookmark because the system syncs up all other prof learning details behind the scenes and in real time. Teacher (end users) have their own knowledge base

This knowledge base is for SuperAdmins

2 | Steps to Customize Your Portal

Admin Video: Add Participants (3:05)
The Participants section keeps all participants, their roles, team tags and group assignments in one place. If you have a SuperAdmin portal role, then you can add and delete participants, one at a time or the entire roster with a simple excel import.
There is a separate step to Invite participant(s) once your portal is ready and as needed. This step is open to other portal Admins (e.g., a Principal can invite their teachers).
Adding Participants One-by-One:
- Navigate to Participants
- Click Add Participant
- Enter the participant's Email, First Name, and Last Name.
- Click on Save & Continue.
Adding Participants in Bulk:
- Navigate to Participants
- Select CSV Import
- Download the provided template.
- The template has 3 required fields ("First Name," "Last Name," "Email,").
- The "Gender" column can be left blank, but the column header must remain.
- Upload the completed file.
- Verify the file syntax for any errors.
- Click Import and wait for the confirmation message.
- Refresh the page. Notice the new count in Participants.
⭐️ The SuperAdmin plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the learning environment. SuperAdmins must ensure that admins only view Participants assigned to the same Learning and Coaching Groups as themselves, upholding the structure and privacy of the admin-level permissions.
Admin Video: Roles & Permissions (6:10)
Your portal lets you customize access for each participant as needed. Understanding the different user roles and their respective permissions is crucial for effective management of the 2gnoMe platform.
All admins will see the top-level AdminPortal link on their portal page (after login).
SuperAdmins have access to all the settings, participants, and reports. Only SuperAdmins can add participants, customize emails, team tags and observation templates.
Key Permissions for SuperAdmins:
- Customize Team Tags
- Add Participants
- Roles & Permissions
- Email Templates
- Establish PDUs
- Plus all Admin-level permissions
Anonymous SuperAdmin
Same access SuperAdmins but without seeing individual participant names.
Admins are assigned to one or more Learning or Coaching Group(s). They have access to data and reports only for the participants assigned to their respective group(s). Admins tend to be Principals, Instructional Coaches or Mentors.
Key Admin-Level Permissions:
- They can invite participants and track self-reflection progress
- View results, heatmaps, learning reports, etc.
- Add / edit resources and assignments
- Review / edit individual Learning Plans
- Capture observations and feedback
- Review individual journal entries and portfolios
To edit Roles and Permissions:
- Go to the Participant page.
- Find a participant
- Click the pencil icon on the right hand side
- Select between SuperAdmin, Admin - Group (Learning Group) & Admin - Mentor (Coaching Group)
- Select a group
- Click Save.

Team Tags let you capture relevant demographic details from participants (location, experience, previous training, etc.) and apply them in your Results analytics.
You can 'Select' from available Team Tags (e.g., Grade Level, Years of Experience) or create your own.
How do I add, select, edit or delete Team Tags?
- Go to Settings -- Team Tags
- Adding a Team Tag
- Click Outside the box
- Re-order values by dragging, if needed.
- Add relevant values (e.g. K-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 etc.) in “Add Value”.
- Click Add.
- Add Team Tag name in “Title” (e.g. Grade Level).
- Click Add Tag
- Drag and drop to rearrange the desired order of tags.
- Selecting a Team Tag
- Click Select
- Choose from our default team tag options
- Click Select to save
- Editing a Team Tag
- Click the pencil icon (icon) on the right hand side
- Add values if needed
- Re-order values by dragging, if needed.
- Delete values by clicking the X button, if needed.
- Click outside the box to save.
- Deleting a Team Tag
- Click the red (X) button on the right hand side.
- Say yes to the pop-up.
- NOTE: Once you delete a team tag, it will no longer be tagged to the participants, even if you add it back in.
- Adding a Team Tag
How do I tag participants with a Team Tag?
Once you've added a Team Tag to the portal, it has to be tagged to your participants.
There are 3 ways to tag participants, and it depends on your situation:
- If you have not invited any participants yet, your participants will provide answers for the team tags when they first log-in. You do not have to do anything here.
- If you have invited your participants, you can either:
- Tag participants individually:
- Go to Participants
- Find a Participant
- Click View/Edit on the “Team Tag’’ Column.
- Provide Team Tag answers
- Click Skip & Continue.
- Tag participants in bulk:
- Update your Participants template and email us at teachers@2gno.me. We'll do the rest.
- Tag participants individually:
Admin Video: Email Templates (1:41)
All the emails you send in the portal have the FROM and SIGNATURE text fields. It's a good idea to edit these fields before you start inviting participants.
To edit your Email Signature:
- Go to Settings
- Click Email Templates
- Edit the FROM text (e.g. your name or your school)
- Edit your Signature text / message (e.g., name, contact details)
- Click Save
Now, emails sent from this portal will have a standard FROM text and signature.
Email Templates
By default, your portal includes email templates in the form of invitations, notifications and reminders.
To customize your templates:
- Go to Settings
- Select Email Templates
- Scroll down to see your templates
- To customize templates, click Customize on an email template
- You can now use these templates in your Custom emails by copying and pasting
Test Emails Before Sending
To preview what your email will look like for a participant, you can send a test email to yourself.
To send a test email:

- Go to Settings
- Under General Settings, select Email Templates
- Next to your email templates, Select Test
- ClickYes
- This will send a test email to your email address.
You can manage all connected resources in the Learning Library page.
- Hover on Resources, and select the Learning Library.
- Search or use the filters to find a resource.
- Click the name of the resource to view it.

To edit a resource
- Hover on Resources, and select the Learning Library.
- Search or use filters to find a resource.
- Click the pencil icon (✏️) on the right-hand side.
- Edit Type, Title, Description and PDUs, if needed.
- Click Save.
To delete a resource:
- Hover on Resources, and select the Learning Library.
- Locate the resource
- Click the Red [X] Button on the right hand side
- Press Delete
To export resources in your Library:
- Hover on Resources, and select the Learning Library.
- Click Export Media Items
- Save file to your computer
- Open file to view the exports

This export includes all available information for each resource (e.g., title, resource type, contributor, links, alignment to the Framework and associated PDUs).
Admin Video: Add Custom Resources (4:56)
You can add resources in the Learning Library tab. After adding a resource, you must align it to a Competency-Based Tier so the portal knows when to suggest it to participants.
A Competency-Based Tier is a score range within a particular domain or component that determines if the resource gets automatically suggested to participants (e.g. if Person A scores between 3-7 in Component 1a, Person A will be suggested the resource).
To add resources:
- Go to Settings
- Under Learning Settings, click Learning Library
- Click Add more
- Fill in the Resource Type, Title, Description and associated PDUs.
- Select a background image
- Provide the link of your resource
- Click Save
To align resources:
- Go to Settings
- Under Domain-Specific, click Competency-Based
- Select the domain you wish to align a resource to
- Decide the Competency-Based Tier you wish your resource to align to.
- To create a new Competency-Based Tier, click “Add Competency-Based Tier”
- Click Edit on the right hand side of the Competency-Based TIer
- Select a resource with the drop down
- Click Add

Admin Video: Establish PDU Goals (0:55)
You can establish your program (or individual) goals and track Participants' progress. The system counts PDUs, if any, for each 'completed' activity against your goals.
To set PDU targets:
- Navigate to PDUs
- To set a goal for all participants:
- Click Goal Settings
- Input PDUs goal
- Click Save
- To set a goal for an individual participant:
- Find participant
- Click edit
- Input PDUs goal
- Click Save.
- To set a goal for all participants:
Admin Video: Observation Templates (3:10)
Observation Templates is a feature designed to streamline and standardize the observation (aka Formative Feedback) process within 2gnoMe. SuperAdmins have the ability to upload and manage observation templates, ensuring consistent and effective observation practices across the platform.
To add an Observation Template:
- Navigate to the Settings section within your 2gnoMe platform.
- Click on Observation Templates.
- To use 2gnoMe’s default observation templates:
- Click Select from Global at the bottom right corner of the page.
- Tick the checkboxes next to the templates you wish to include.
- Click Select to add the chosen templates.
- To add a custom Observation Template:
- Click Add Observation Template.
- Provide a “Title” for the template.
- Choose whether you want to enable the template or not.
- Indicate whether the template "Has Form" or not (“Has Form” means the template has checkboxes).
- Input the template's content in the "Text" box.
- Click Save.
To edit an Observation Template:
- Navigate to Observation Templates in Settings.
- Click the pencil icon to the right hand side of a template.
- Make necessary changes
- Click Save.
To delete an Observation Template:
- Navigate to Observation Templates in Settings.
- Click the red (X) icon on the right hand side of a template.

Admin Video: Invite Participants (2:06)
Invite Participants
Once you've added participants, set up your team tags, and established PDU goals, you can invite your participants to your portal.
To invite participants:
- Navigate to Participants.
- Participant(s) whose names appear in yellow have not been invited yet.
- Select the checkbox next to the name(s) you want to invite. Alternatively, use the top checkbox to select all participants on a page.
- Click the Email new user(s) button at the bottom right.
- Review and, if necessary, edit the subject line and email content.
- Click Send to send the invitation email to the selected participants.
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